By relationship you might be thinking this is going to be all about boyfriend, girlfriend stuff. But my friend put on your seat belts be...
By relationship you might be thinking this is going to be all about boyfriend, girlfriend stuff. But my friend put on your seat belts because you are going on a 360 degree roller coaster ride of relationships.
What is relationship for you? A sense of belongingness, right? Relationship is nothing but a connection. A connection of love, enmity, trust, understanding, betrayal, jealousy. Relationship is all about the immense emotion, and a compatibility level. Human being is a social animal as we all know and there is a need of companionship, hence they build relationship with people surrounding them.
World is full of negativity, distrust and animosity so every human avoid isolation.
Every heart has an innate need to feel the connection, feel the love. Everybody wants to be important to be someone. Your parents want a support from you, the sense of love when they grow old. They want to share a part of your life when you are a teen and know what you feel and how you handle situations. But how many of us actually bother to think about spending time with family and relive the relation of a mother and daughter or son and father. Hardly any of us. We all are busy within our lives. But my friends take out some time and give importance to your relationships waiting for you at home. For them you mean their world.
How about a sister and brother relationship? The relation of siblings is one of the most beautiful relation in the world. A companion of your childhood who is going to protect you in every situation. Who will be the one standing by your side every time you fall. They would giggle at your jokes and secure your secrets. A relation of sibling is full of fun, love, understanding and silent care. But we see brothers killing brother for property, or sisters filing case for the property fighting for their right. Where does that sense of relationship, that connect go which you shared from childhood. You spent most of your time with your siblings, then how come the fold of money makes you blind.
There are numerous relations in this world, a teacher and student; doctor and patient; police and thief; boss and employee; lovers; friends; classmates; flatmates; relation with pets; and those silent smiling connections with someone you know but you barely talk. But why is there a need of relationship, have you ever wondered?
A relationship plays a vital role in the well being of a human. It reduces the risk of isolation and negativity, thus a person with great relationships tends to live longer than the person who is isolated. Even isolation is more dangerous than your smoking and drinking habits. A sad heart can collapse more easily than a spoiled lungs or kidney. You tend to lead an enriched life when you deal with various relationships.
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It's not only about the emotional need or physical benefit for which a human make relationship. It can be build intangible ways like for career, networking, opportunities, that someone to call when you are in emergency etc. It helps to deal with stress in an easier way. Helping you to live a prosperous life, improve health or embrace life with a meaning.
So friends look around you, find those relationships that are dying. Call your school friend whom you didn't talk in ages. Meet that little girl you had a crush on in school life and never met again after she graduated from school. Write am email to your dad asking about his health and send a whatsapp text to your sister who you barely ping.
Explore the world, build beautiful relationship and embrace them with love and nurture with care. Don't spoil it because of silly reasons or misunderstandings, ego issues or temperament problems. Be truthful to your connection because trust is the pillar of each relation. Don't shatter them, because it takes ages to build and seconds to break.
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